Challenge story


I work at a supermarket in a small town. I won’t say my job is that boring, but things seldom get unusual. Today I worked hard and by the end of the shift was exhausted. And then a girl came up to me and said something in English. “What? Speak Russian!„ Don‘t get me wrong, but I was already not capable of communication in Russian, what is to say about English which I don't speak. Is she really foreign? I don’t know, but speaks fluently. I said - „I don’t understand you“ (in Russian) and went away. Then I realized how rude it was, and saw that the girl was a little bit disappointed and lost, she obviously needed someone’s help. So I came back and tried to remember anything in English. Somehow I managed to ask what she needed. She tried to explain, but it wasn’t successful. Then she signed a frying pan and poured something in it. She needed oil. Then she needed salt. And finally I was the one signing to her that wearing a mask is obligatory. Afterwards she was smiling at me and thanking. I was puzzled, it was obviously an unusual experience for me. I realized, we can communicate even without language, and that I’m starting to forget how to be kind. 


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