Evaluation #8 (Nastya, Marina, Sasha)

Today I’ll evaluate Nastya Ostapenko’s speech

1. Introduction
What technique(s) was used in the introduction? Asking a question

Any link-element?  Yes. The link element was given and it not only connected the attention-getter with thesis statement, but also reinforced our belief in importance of the topic.

- Was the thesis statement given? ‘’Kinesic component of speech delivery is difficult to overestimate’’

- How effective was the introduction?
Very effective          Average          Not effective         Max 10 pts
8                    7  6  5               4  3  2  1                      8

2. Body
How well structured was the information presented?

The information was well structured, divided into several parts which were outlined and connected by link elements

- How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?
The information was clear

Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
The speaker used examples and facts, explained everything and used helpful presentation for visual support
- Was it coherent? Yes, it was coherent and logical
Very effective          Average          Not effective         Max 10 pts
9                    7  6  5               4  3  2  1                      9

3. Conclusion
-What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?

Giving a quotation

-Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)

There was no summary
-How effective was the conclusion?
Very effective          Average          Not effective         Max 10 pts
8                    7  6  5               4  3  2  1                      7

Total points: 30  
Given points: 24

Now let’s move to Marina’s speech.

1. Introduction
What technique(s) was used in the introduction? Reference to the audience – the speaker used questions that are usually circling in our heads while we are giving a speech. It is quite effective attention-getter, but, from my point of view, there were too much questions, 3 would be enough.

Any link-element? There was a link element

- Was the thesis statement given? "Vocal delivery is crucial for getting your message across..."

- How effective was the introduction?
Very effective          Average          Not effective         Max 10 pts
10  9 
8                    7  6  5               4  3  2  1                      8

2. Body
How well structured was the information presented?

The information was well-structured but not very well-outlined.

- How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?
The information was clearly explained

Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
The speaker supported her points by giving explanations and examples. I liked the presentation.

- Was it coherent? Yes
9    8   7    6   5   4   3    2   1         Max 10 pts      -      9

3. Conclusion
-What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?  The speaker repeated the general idea

-Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)

There was no summary

 -How effective was the conclusion?
Very effective         Some conclusion        None
10   9   8                     
7   6   5               3   2   1        - 7

Total points: 30  
Given points: 24

And last but not least is Sasha’s speech

1. Introduction
What technique(s) was used in the introduction? Giving a quotation + asking question

Any link-element? The link element was given

- Was the thesis statement given? ‘’Through the use of…you enhance your message and invite your audience…’’

- How effective was the introduction? 

I believe, the introduction is a little bit overloaded and the quotation is not connected with the attention-getter
Very effective          Average          Not effective         Max 10 pts
8                    7  6  5               4  3  2  1                      7

2. Body
How well structured was the information presented?

The information was well-structured, a lot of link elements were used and outlining was very clear and helpful

- How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?
The information was clear

Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
The speaker used examples, explained everything and used helpful presentation for visual support
- Was it coherent? Yes, it was coherent and logical
Very effective          Average          Not effective         Max 10 pts
10  9                    7  6  5               4  3  2  1                      10

3. Conclusion
-What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?

Giving a quotation

-Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)

There was no summary
-How effective was the conclusion?
Very effective          Average          Not effective         Max 10 pts
8                    7  6  5               4  3  2  1                      7

Total points: 30  
Given points: 24


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