

 Colors symbolize the pitch - lighter=higher

| - for pauses (mainly dramatic)
Some words are in bold because they should be strongly emphasized
Tempo is conveyed through different length - self-relationship self-relationship
↘ - falling tone  ↗ - rising tone

Have you got a best friend? The one that is always there for you, sympathize you, worries about you. Wait, | don't ↗ tell me - | I know you have. Even if it's bad times | this friend is still ↘ there -  | inside each of you. Because you are  |  your very best friend.
I would like to talk about this complicated relationship that everyone has, but unfortunately, often neglect. ↗ However, other people will never make you happy, because self-relationship is the foundation of everything else.
To build this foundation | we need to find out:

·        Why self-relationship important.
·        What can it give to us.
·        How we can work on it.

You may wonder, | «why she says relationship’ at all?». I agree, usually it means interaction between two people, and no, I am not talking about mental disorder, the ↗ things is, there are layers of personality, which interactFriends, parents, mentors… | We are designed to play roles to ourselves. ↗ Sadly, | some of them do nothelp, but hurt.
Let’s ↗decide, | what friendship means to you. |  Sympathy?  | Support? How often do we apply this to ourselves? | If our friend is in trouble - |we ↗ listen and not judge, and we certainly don’t tell they deserve it. But what if we do it to another important person?
It’s not easy to noticed the warning lights. I had a ↗ friend - you may call it outgoing - always somewhere with someone, having fun, or watching series all night long. She cares only about herself, I thought. | Then she failed exams – She does not care about anything – I thought. More cracks appeared in our friendship. ||When she never ended her abusive relationships, I finally thought - What is going on? |The answer was simple and too complicated at the same time. Shutting ourselves off, looking for love to escape or watching TV non-stop, because we can not stand our own thoughts anymore, | we are not there for us and friends, | are not always there too.

↗ Befriending yourself - creating your internal support system -can give us a lot, not less, than other people. ↗ For example, | if you had a tough childhood, I mean, every childhood is tough, but ↗ worse - no love and no compassion, | you may get it from a deeply powerful process | - re-parenting. Nature gave us such ability - to comfort, encourage, calm ourselves down. And we are supposed be best experts on our needs! 

But are we? | To know yourself it‘s not enough just to live your life, we need listening to constantly rediscover our personality. We actually have silent self-talks all the time. If we  stop doing it, our brain will operate much like monkey'sBut beyond control it can get destructive.Why didn’t you do this in time? |`You are disorganized and miserable. | “She did it better”. | – does not sound like a friendship at all.

 Talking out loud will take this control to a new level. It’s officially not a sign of insanity! Instead, it would help understand our thoughts better. Surprisingly, but we are also able to talk ourselves down. Did you know, that talking to yourself in the third person is the most effective way to do it? It cheats on our brain and makes it think of ourselves as of other people.
Befriending yourself is not a new concept. But we keep forgetting about it. This isn’t just a bunch of fluffy self-loving advice. We have to work on it, if we want to be happy.

 I know one powerful technique, that will probably shed more light on this concept, so I want to apply this to you. Please, close your eyes and remember any situation when you were critical to yourself. Stay there for a moment. Ask yourself, what was the actual reason you felt that way? And now, put your hand on your heart. Imagine your close friend in a similar situation. What would you tell them? How compassionate you would be? Try to apply this attitude to yourself. If you were doing this more often, how your life would be different?

      Well, I'm not a psychologist, frankly speaking, but I read a good deal of articles on how to befriend yourself, and I think, we can define 3 basic ideas to start with.
The ↗ first one is of course, Listen. ↗Naturally, to improve this ability we need to spend time alone. It's necessary to be alone for 20 minutes at least just not to fly off the handle, but spending more time doing what you want without adjusting to somebody else is already a huge step!
The ↗ second idea - Be kind. Too abstract and too hard to start. ↗ Well, start with a random act of kindness for yourself, celebrate small achievements, rather than put pressure. Today can be hard to get up and if you do it, it’s a small win. Let Instagram with its mania of productivity go by!

And finally, accept. We need to realize, that critical parts of us are not our enemies, they are trying to help, to make us better, but their protective mechanisms went out of control. Befriending means accepting them as well and forgiving them for making you feel that.
We can learn to be our own best friend. If we do, we have a friend for life! But I’m afraid, there is no choice. |A conflict inside will slowly poison our self-esteem, our relationships, our life in general. If we lose ourselves, we‘ll lose any landmark that can lead us to happiness.
  Instead, discovering your personality, accepting all its layers, and forgiving them - will change everything. |Remember, your self is unique and your journey of befriending is also unique. |  Value this time spend alone, value your crazy ideas and small achievements. |Value you as your very best friend.


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