Speak speak speak

     Hello! Today‘s post is quite unusual! I think, you already know how important your voice and articulation are while you are giving a speech. No matter how good the content is, bad performance can ruin everything. But these are the skills which can be easily improved.
     I want to share with you the video of me doing different exercises for diaphragm breathing, articulation and different characteristics of the voice. I had a great fun doing his, I hope my neighbors did too. And I recorded that because it was a good motivation to do everything properly and also to share with people and probably inspire someone to try this too.
    I must say, that the progress is very clear, because after each exercise my voice got clearer and it was easier and easier to speak. I usually do phonetic exercises and recite something out loud to train my voice, awake it before speaking. But this is ....a lot of exercises!


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