(Give a video call to a person I've been out of contact for a long time)

Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks.(c) Waqar Ahmed

I suppose, we all have this feeling, when we are thinking about our ex-friends. Have you ever revived a frienship? I haven't, because in my cases it was pointless. Letting the person go is a very important step, which should be done when it's time. 
But what is also important - to finish relationship properly. I had a good friend, but we got separated by circamstances end then lived very different lives and gradually lost each other. I had a bad feeling for years that we never talked about it. 
I texted her and asked to make a video call. She was totally surprised and I was totally embarassed. After all these years I did not know the person I was going to talk to. I had no plan actually, because I thought it would be more natural. 
So when we finally saw each other, the first thing she asked, smiling, was: why do you want to talk all of a sudden?. And all I could think about was: You know, I was just sitting in quarantine, thinking a lot and it really bothered me that we never talked. I was really ill at ease confessing, because I hold it for a long time and believed she was deeply offended.
You could tell by her smile and her eyes that she was really pleased, flattered maybe, that I was thinking about it never letting it go. 'Well yes, I was thinking about it too.' - she replied. And after this phrase I was relieved. Being welcomed and being mutually friendly is something really magical, because soon we were both very happy to talk. Starting with today's situation, ending with good old times, we let this burden go and made what was right. It was not revival of friendship, but just paying respect to what we had together.
This challenge supposed to be more about social communication, well, I definitely left my comfort zone, making such a huge step towards. But it turned out more personal and sad. Sad to realize that  the cracks are too huge, to fix it.


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