Peace Begins With a Smile - Mother Teresa Quote' Art - Quote ...

  "Peace begins with a smile". But do we value this small step enough? 
    Just think, what smile is for you? For me it is a serious manifestation of a great mood. It's conditioned and taken out only if necessary. But actually, the smile is not only caused by the good mood but it causes it.
   I had a tough day and went out for a walk to have some fresh air. People outside were not happy by their looks. In fact, there was the general mood - being alert and suspicious. These days are not easy, but they say, smile can handle anything. So I thought it was the right time to greet them with my smile and "Good afternoon".

    It was embarrassing, because it is not what we usually do with strangers. But the more people I greeted the easier it became. At first, I carefully considered my victims and chose less risky variants, but then I was so excited by the response, that started greeting everyone I could find there. 
    Most of the people started smiling back and said hello, some were confused because did not expect it and just looked in silence, I can relate. Some outgoing people tried to continue our small talk, especially at the supermarket, asking did I buy enough food, which was clearly not my intention.  Ok, until it went too far it's better to finish.
   But I was super excited and did not want to go home so I walked a little bit to gather my thoughts. I realized that I felt the connection with these people and shared positive emotions with them, just paying a little attention and being a little bit kind. And they gave me their energy back. We all lack this unconditional kindness. I was thrilled by this experience, and I for a moment thought it felt like  performing on stage and delivering my message. And this message was "Peace begins with a smile".


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