Sooner or later we are going to give our persuasive speeches. Preparing a speech is not an easy process, so it is right time to start now. The first step is to choose the topic of the speech. But once you have an idea, it should be properly considered.  Are you a right person to speak about it? And many other questions.

I came up with an idea "You are your very best friend". 
Nobody can bring you peace but yourself | Picture Quotes

Why should I want to talk about this?
I want to talk about this, because this topic bothers me a lot. In today situation it is especially important to be in peace with yourself. But sometimes people are not friends, but enemies to themselves. Why constantly seek for someone's support and company, why escape from your thoughts endlessly watching TV shows? Why blame yourself when it doesn't help but hurt? There are better options and they are not very often discussed. I started research and found plenty of helpful information, I think it would be a great idea to share it with others.

Why should anybody want to listen to me?
Everybody can relate to this topic. We all have in-side arguments, and tend not to value the time spent with ourselves. 

What single message would I want to put across?

That 'I' is a very important person in everybody's life. We talk a lot about relationships with other people, but healthy relationship with ourselves is the key to many doors.

What need in the audience do I want to have satisfied when I have finished speaking?

I want to inspire them and to make them more comfortable being by themselves. I want to draw their attention to some facts they probably didn't know before or didn't think about. 

When they all walk away what state would I like them to leave in?
Happier, calmer, pleased, inspired, hopeful state. My biggest goal is to inspire them to think about themselves differently and encourage to change things they were not satisfied with.

That is why I want my speech to be inspiring and comforting, but also interesting and helpful.  The goal of my speech is to draw the attention of the audience to their self-relationship, as it is the foundation of everything else.

The objectives which will help me to achieve this goal:

1)Remind of advantages of being with yourself, by yourself and yourself
2)Share some tips of fixing self-relationship
3)Share interesting facts, stories and my personal experience

The first steps I am going to take:

1)Explore the topic: watch other people's speeches to get more ideas and understand the topic better
2)Use creative methods to find out what I am able to say right now
3)Reconsider my goal and objectives, improve them
4)Continue exploring, spotting interesting stories, facts that can be used in the speech
5)Gather more scientific data: read articles, watch films to find some valuable information that can prove my point of view

What do you think about this topic? Is it important to speak about it?


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