Challenge 2

Allen Ginsberg - Reads Howl & Other Poems 180 Gram, Deluxe Editio ...

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. – (Lord Alfred Tennyson)

It is better to try and know the truth than hesitate and lose an opportunity to know it.

I thought this, after I completed my second challenge. But at the beginning it certainly was not easy to make up my mind.

The thing is - I like poetry. And I also find strange pleasure in learning things by heart. When you learn a poem by heart it actually implies, that it will be read outload and presented to people. But in everyday life there are not much situations which let you do it. Last time I recited a poem was in the first year of university and then there simply were no occasions.

However, I understood that impoving my presention skills and public reciting skills required experience and approval. But I naturally hesitated, because I was not sure that it would be interesting for anyone, you see my friends are not huge fans of poetry and the poem is difficult for understanding, and I didn't know whether I could perform well. The effect of self-fulfilling prophecy could ruin everything. 
But here we are with these challenges which motivate us. I wanted to know the reaction and live through it. Curiosuty killed the cat but it didn't kill me. I gathered my friends in zoom and told them I am going to be ashamed and embarassed for the next 5 minutes straight but I want you to listen to me and tell your opinion.

When we are doing something we need support and approval, reaction to keep going and to know that you are on the right way. 
It wasn't easy to be self-possessed and to express the emotions at the same time. But my listeners didn't laugh or find fault with me. They said it was something new for them and they wanted to know more about the poem. They were inspired and interested. So I guess the mission was completed, I shared the thing which gave me a lot and it gave something to other people. 

It helped me realize that even if your friends do not have same interests it's OK and it's good to share your interests with them. To transmit emotions or spread some useful information, that is probably the major idea of public speaking. It's impossible to impress everyone, but if you can change something for at least one person, it is already worth doing.


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