Frankly speaking ...

Frankly speaking ...

       The first task was to make a short speech revealing last year significant events.
 It was quite a spontaneous speech, although we were given some time for preparation, we miserably spent it trying to hunt out some suitable photos and struggling with the local network.
      Frankly speaking, such kind of topics are tricky for me - find it uncomfortable to speak about personal things in front of not-so-close-to-me public. I would say it was tricky for most because people do not necessarily lead a busy and bright life. Anyway there is nothing to lose because we know enough of each other's failures.

     Looking on the bright side, it is not as bad as it could be, considering the circumstances.
If you are an anxious person and perfectionist it always feels like a kind of failure. 

These are the things I dislike about the result:

1)Posture - I was not standing as many others and it looked not impressive. 
It was a deliberate act of protection of my personal boundaries. Sometimes you sacrifice such things to feel better. But seriously, considering it was not a real speech I found it a little bit awkward to stand gesticulating against the background of my own photos.
That's also why:

2)No helping gestures, practically no eye contact, no communication with the audience
I can also add that it is clearly noticeable that I felt insecure about what I was saying, it's true, I didn't like what I was saying, because:

3)No structure and weak content.
I was circling around the same things, using the same words, too simple vocabulary, going back and forth and making pauses.I am also not content with the ideas because something tells me it's not what people expect and want to hear.

Now it's a challenge to find good points here... 

1)I am pretty content with the voice volume because on my own scale it is LOUD.
2)The pronunciation I am not really satisfied with but if we are to divide everything in black and white, I would accept it though I could do it better.
3)Emotions - I'm not sure about this one but as I am really bad at hiding my horrible emotional state, in this video I don't look as horrified and was good at pulling myself together, although that day was entirely an emotional hell.

We can make several conclusions:
1)In stressful situations my brain turns off and need time to work ----> I need to improve my spontaneity.
2)There are topics which I am uncomfortable with -----> They should be worked out to find ways of dealing with them as a good speaker, it doesn't mean to tell things I don’t want to tell, but find safe ways of dealing them without sacrificing the impression of speech.
3)To do phonetic exercises before speaking is vital, though seldom possible.
4)Self control is a mystery.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Hello, Polina! It was amusing to read your article and I liked that you were frank with people who read your posts. In my humble opinion, your performance was very good and I think you overcriticized yourself. However, it is great that now you know what you should improve about your public speaking skills. Good luck!

  2. Hello!

    I must say that I liked your presentation a lot, it was awesome get to know about some main events of the year and I think that Sai is right - you definitely overcriticized yourself. We all have some troubles in public speaking but we are working on it, so that's what is important.

    Keep it up and good luck!


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